OEM industrial electric motors
1. effiency: IE2 and IE1
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The application layer service quality. The real quality of service strategy based on all applications provide wire-speed bandwidth and low latency, meet the needs of all traffic on the network. However, when the switch occurred one output port overload and internal buffer is full, the service quality should be required to establish rules priority rules or "strategy", to network traffic scheduled priorities. Switched router allows for application layer traffic service quality strategy, thus electric motor low rpm enables network managers to the Internet backbone bandwidth used in complete control. In 2, layer 3 switching, quality of service strategy can only be applied to network traffic based on source or destination address. For tier 4 application traffic service quality strategy means to the individual host to host the application of dialogue can also set priorities. The application layer of network security. Traditional routers use security filters and access control lists to realize network and database security access to the company. Based on software processing as a result of a natural result is that once ANP gost motor you enable security filters, will cause the router performance fell sharply, because the central processing unit (CPU) need to be performed on each package instruction is greatly increased.
motor Lamination ac motor blender parts
1. Lamination of electric motor
2. IP54 class F
3. 100% copper
4. silicon steel stamping
5.stunning performance
Switching router eliminates the performance loss associated with security features. When all the advanced features, including security, is activated, the real switching router should be able to provide wire-speed performance. In switching router, the packet is processed in a specific ASIC, due to capture the source and destination port information, the application layer security and line speed performance can be implemented at the same time. For example, access to company information according to the user's application under control, rather than a ban on all users access to a particular application. This makes the network administrators have more flexibility and better control of the company motor electric network, and makes the desktop machine can choose to use more applications. The application layer of charge to an account. Management need to measure. We cannot measure the network traffic will not be able to implement effective management to the network, by tracing the application flow, switched router has greatly improved the measurement, accounting and performance monitoring ability. Accounting information is directly converted into standard of RMON in each port (remote network monitoring)/RMON2, which don't need to use separate external RMON/RMON2 detector. So will always switched router provide wire-speed RMON/RMON2 on all ports (including all of the functional group), and managers will also be able to directly access RMON from switching router/RMON2 statistics.