electric motor stator rotor lamination motor parts
1. Lamination of electric motor
2. IP54 class F
3. 100% copper
4. silicon steel stamping
5.stunning performance
Dc motor performance is closely related to its excitation mode, dc motor excitation method usually has four kinds: single phase motor dc separately excited motor, dc shunt motor, dc series motor and dc compound motor. Master way of four characteristics: 1, dc separately excited motor: exciting winding and armature contact without electricity, excitation circuit is made up of other dc power supply. So the field current is not affected by the armature terminal voltage or armature Three phase motor current. 2, dc shunt motor, shunt winding ends voltage is the voltage on both ends of the armature, but exciting winding with fine wire coils, the number of turns a lot, so has larger resistance, made by his exciting current is small. 3, dc series motor: exciting winding is series and the armature, so this kind of motor with the change of the armature current in the magnetic field have obvious changes. In order to electric generator make the field winding does not cause big loss and voltage drop, exciting winding resistance as small as possible, so direct current series motor is usually use coarser wire coils, his less number of turns. 4, compound motor: dc motor flux produced by the two winding excitation current.