
The inverter no-load current is greater than the load current

A 75 kw micro can WIN - G9 inverter commissioning the strange phenomenon.The feeling.Consult factory.Because in a hurry to solve the permanent magnet motor problem,find out,this time without long distance telephone bill is expensive or not.Frequency converter manufacturers and technical personnel reply:this type inverter as the earliest production of frequency converter,a little older no-load current,current fluctuation problem,but belong to normal phenomenon does not affect the use.After the load current will stabilize.Test it with better access to a power motor,you the problem of motor run capacitor the motor,or load problem.Such as motor bearing problem.Problems such as motor and load all ruled out,as long as the inverter output three-phase voltage balance,output current shall not exceed the rated current transducers and can light or load commissioning.

Bad not to drop.As for the proportion of input,output,current problems,due to electricalmotor1.blogspot.com the load is different,it is very difficult to have a fixed ratio.Out of proportion.Don't and proportion problem entanglement.Wanting is also.As long as it is the output three-phase voltage balance,as long as it is in the case of no more than rated current,can bring a load test.Inverter bad not to drop it.Perhaps after loading,the output current will not have motor magnet large fluctuations.Might be normal.Had to take load test,a miracle (surprisingly) :10 Hertz runtime,at 40 a output current,output current is only 7 8 amp.30 hz runtime,60 a output current,input current 25 a.40 hz is run,when output current 100 a,70 amps input current.Running current small,small ripple,is basically stable.Three phase voltage and three phase current balance and relatively stable.Problem has been solved somehow.

