Now most common triode is powder coating,how to accurately judge the triode three pin which is b,c,e? Triode b very easily measured,but how to judge which is c which is e? Here recommends three methods: the first method: for measuring triode hFE jack pointer table,first measure b pole,throw triode plug into motor vehicle spare parts the socket (b,of course,is very can plug accurate),measure hFE value,then the measuring tube upside down again,the measured values of hFE larger one,each pin insertion position is correct.The second method: to measure without hFE jack table,or is not convenient to insert the socket pipe is too big,can use this method: of NPN transistors,first measure b (the pipe is NPN and PNP b and its feet are easy to measure,isn't it?) ,put table in R x 1 k Ω gear,to connect the red pens and hypothetical e very (note that take the hand don't run into table of red pens and pen or pin),the fan motor black pens and answer the hypothetical c,at the same time hold the table with his fingers tip and the pin,will pick up the pipe,with the tip of your tongue lick a b,the header pointer should have a certain amount of deflection,if all the pens and you answer correctly,the pointer will be bigger,if wrong,the pointer will be smaller,the difference is obvious.
