1,according to the different application field of the motor,there are many kinds of motor,ac servo
motor as part of the control.The basic concept of servo is accurate,precise,rapid positioning.The
structure of the servo motor and there is a difference between ordinary motor,with encoder feedback closed loop control,can satisfy the rapid response and accurate positioning.Now on the market circulation of ac servo motor for permanent magnet synchronous ac servo,the motor restricted by technology,it's hard to do a lot of power,more than 10 Kw synchronous servo motor price is very expensive,in such a field application,use ac induction servo motor,more often driven by frequency converter.2,material,structure and processing technology of the motor,ac servo motor is far higher than the single phase generator frequency inverter ac motor driven (general ac motor or constant torque and constant power and other kinds of variable frequency motor).When the servo driver output current,voltage,frequency change quickly,servo motor can produce a response action changes,response characteristic and resistance to overload ability is much higher than ac motor inverter drive.Of course not to say that the power of the inverter output is not changed so fast signal,but the machine itself can't reaction,when the internal algorithm of frequency converter set so did corresponding overload set in order to protect the motor.3,ac motor is generally divided into synchronous and asynchronous motor:(1),ac synchronous motor:is that the rotor is composed of permanent magnetic material,so after rotation,as the change of motor stator rotating magnetic field,rotor also do response frequency speed change,speed = stator and
rotor speed,so called "synchronous".(2),ac asynchronous motor,the rotor consists of induction coil
and the material.Cutting after rotation,the stator produce a rotating magnetic field,magnetic field
induction coil of stator,rotor winding induced current,then the rotor magnetic field is
induced,induced magnetic field to follow the change of the stator rotating magnetic field,but always
less than the change of the stator,the rotor's magnetic field change once is no changing magnetic
field cutting rotor induction coil,would be no induced current in the rotor winding,rotor magnetic
field disappeared,rotor stall with the stator produce speed difference again regaining induced
current...So in the ac asynchronous motor is a key parameter is the slip is the ratio of the speed of
the rotor and stator is poor.(3),the corresponding ac synchronous and asynchronous motor,frequency converter has the corresponding synchronous and asynchronous inverter frequency converter,www.facebook.com/guohong.trading servo motors are ac synchronous servo and ac asynchronous servo.Frequency converter in the ac asynchronous frequency common,of course,the servo ac synchronous servo common.
as the executive motor.Although both similar on control mode (signal pulse sequence and
direction),but in the use of performance and applications where there is a big difference.Such
as:1,the system of different precision; 2,low frequency characteristics of different the torque-speed characteristic in 3,4,overload capacity of different 5,running performance different 6,speed response performance.Ac servo system in many performance is better than the stepping motor.But in some occasion not high demand also often use stepper motor to do perform motor.So,in the process of the design of the control system to a comprehensive,with consideration of many factors such as cost control requirements,choose the proper control motors.